Thursday, April 5, 2012

Zheng He

Zheng He was born in 1371 in the city now called Jinning, in Yunnan Province, and he was called "Ma He" at that time. When he was a child, the Ming dynasty invaded the city, and the Ming's armies killed lots of people including his parents. Then, he captured by them. Just 10 years, he sent to the city now days Beijing to serve in the household of Zhu-di who was prince of the country. After he grew, he became one of the prince's closest confidantsBy 1402, Zhu Di had captured the Ming capital at Nanjing and defeated his nephew's forces. He had himself crowned as the Yongle Emperor. Due to Ma He's key role in the coup, the new emperor awarded him a mansion in Nanjing as well as the honorific name "Zheng He." Zheng He's most important role in his master's service, and the reason he is remembered today, was as the commander in chief of the new treasure fleet, and as the emperor's principal envoy to the peoples of the Indian Ocean basin. With a mandate to collect tribute and establish ties with rulers all around the Indian Ocean shores, Zheng He and his armada set forth for Calicut, on India's western coast.In 1424, the Yongle Emperor passed away. Zheng He had made six voyages in his name and brought back countless emissaries from foreign lands to bow before him, but the cost of these excursions weighed heavily on the Chinese treasury

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Social System of the Aryians

The origins of the caste system
-         About 1500BC, powerful nomadic warriors known as Aryans appeared in northern India. The warriors were from Central Asia. But managed to overcome the Himalayas by finding lower passes in the mountains, such as the Khyber Pass in Pakistan. The Aryans conquered the Dravidians of Central India and imposed their social structure upon them.
The meaning of “ Varna”
-         The other social class before the Caste system

Four main Varna
·                    the Brahmins: scholars, teachers, priests and sages
·                    the Kshatriya: kings, soldiers, and rulers
·                    the Vaishyas: merchants, cattle herders and agriculturists
·                    the Shudras: labourers, craftsmen and artisans
Fifth Varna
-         people are now called Dalits or Harijans; they were formerly known as “untouchables”
            -In Inida and Nepal the sub-communities within a varna are called “Jati”
General rule of Jati
            -Only Jaties could get married.
-         Philosophical texts considered being an early source of Hindu religion.
            -the Highest class in the Caste system that is considered Monk or Priest.
            - Indian religions is the concept of "action" or "deed",

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mesotamian city-Babylon

The city- state of Babylon which was located between Euphrates and Tigris river made an impressive history. Babylon is Akkadian "babilani" which means "the Gate of God(s)" and it became the capital of the land of Babylonia..

Around the temple lots of house which was made with sun-dried brick and inhabited by farmers and artisans.The population is estimated from 10,000 to 50,000. As they had swamps and deserts, they started irrigation for agriculture. By Babylonians used irrigation, they could get fertile soil. All water from Tigris and Euphrates River

The Babylon civilization was from Sumerian culture of third millennium BC. Therefore Babylon literature had consist of Sumerian writing in Akkadian language.

Babylon was rule with Hammurabi code. it is something like this.

1.If any one ensnare another, putting a ban upon him, but he can not prove it, then he that ensnared him shall be put to death.
4.If he satisfy the elders to impose a fine of grain or money, he shall receive the fine that the action produces
14. If any one steal the minor son of another, he shall be put to death.

Not these three codes, there were about 300 codes more.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

By Cooking foods

 Cooking was important for old people by making them healthier, and foods were getting better taste. 

The old people was not cooking from the first. At the first, they just ate raw meat, raw vegetable, and all of raw things. By this reason, old people, Australopithecus or Homo Erectuce, had sharper teeth at that time. By the way, their brain was getting bigger and smarter so they invented better weapons, some bowls, and fire. By using these invertions, Hunting was easier, Stating agriculture, and Using fire and cooking. In addition, since they started cooking food, their teeth have been evoluting by foods what they usually ate. Furthermore, Before they cooking, they usually got disease from raw foods; however, they had healtier food by cooking food and it was not decomposed easily. Lastly, Cooking brought a new life and made more intelligent brain. If they could not find it, we might live in cave still.